
Wednesday, August 8, 2012

*[Blog Tour Review] The Wager (Touch of the Gods by D.X. Luc

The Wager (Touch of the Gods)


When love and war makes a little wager, what could possibly go wrong?

I am Hephaestus. God of inventions, blacksmiths, and volcanoes. Sounds like I'm awesome right? Well, I'm not. In fact, I'm the loser of Olympus and a new bachelor to boot. Living the single life had been great until a decade past and if my divorce from the Goddess of Love wasn't bad enough, I was still being rejected by the other women of my home.

Because of an incessant need to make me a pawn in his game, my brother, Ares convinces Eros to make a little bet. A wager that puts my lack of love life to the test. Sent to Earth, I'm skeptical, when suddenly I lose myself in the sensual scent and beauty of the full bodied Vanessa. She is my everything, my perfection.

Sadly, from a single caress upon her silky flesh, I send our lives into a downward spiral of hell. The Touch of the Gods curse. To save her, I must believe that I am not the nobody I was raised to think. And to save me, she will have to decide if I'm worth giving up everything for.
Summary & Photo taken from
Length: 158 pages (E-book)
Source: Purchased
Publication Date: May 4th 2012 by Sinful Restraints Publishing

What a fun, sexy little romp of read this one turned out to be. Since erotic novels seem to not be my  cup of tea lately I was surprised by how much I enjoyed The Wager by D.X. Luc and I'm really pleased to have been a part of the book tour for it.

I think what I loved most in the book was the fact that the characters in The Wager actually had a fair amount of substance and there was more to the book itself than the sex. I don't know about you but I love when the characters in the erotica I read have personalities and boy do they in this one. I also like how there was humour in the book as well.

For an erotic novel I actually wish that this one was another hundred pages. Not that there was anything wrong with the length it is now but unlike other erotica novels I've read this one has enough substance to support an even longer novel than it is and that's all because of the characters.

Like I said before I really enjoyed the fact that the characters had more going on for them than lots of sex. They had great personalities and I really liked Eros, Haphaestus and Vanessa. I think the fact that the author chose a god that I haven't seen featured in any novel was a great choice. Everyone knows Ares, Apollo, etc. But, not many people may know of Haphaestus and I think that is what gives this book the edge.

I think that if you love erotic romance with a paranormal twist than this book is probably one that should go on your list. Preferably now. Got it? Good.  I read it while I was away last weekend at the cottage and it was the perfect book to kick back, relax and enjoy reading. I warn you though, you may just become addicted to the authors writing!

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Really Liked it!
★ ★ ★ ★


  1. Thank you for taking the time to review my book. I greatly appreciate it.

  2. I felt the exact same way!! It wasn't just about the sex... It straddles the line between erotica and romance so beautifully! Best of both worlds, eh? :D


I love your comments! So feel free to comment away I'll try to answer every post so check back! . Also feel free to leave a link to your blog and I will absolutely follow you back :) Happy Reading!
*Note: This is an award free blog, thanks for thinking of me but I simply don't have the time to pass it along!