
Tuesday, November 19, 2013

Teaser Tuesday #24

Teaser Tuesdays is a weekly bookish meme, hosted by MizB of Should Be Reading. Anyone can play along! Just do the following:
• Grab your current read• Open to a random page
Share two (2) “teaser” sentences from somewhere on that page

• BE CAREFUL NOT TO INCLUDE SPOILERS! (make sure that what you share doesn’t give too much away! You don’t want to ruin the book for others!)
• Share the title & author, too, so that other TT participants can add the book to their TBR Lists if they like your teasers!
Ender's Game (Ender's Saga, #1)
In order to develop a secure defense against a hostile alien race's next attack, government agencies breed child geniuses and train them as soldiers. A brilliant young boy, Andrew "Ender" Wiggin lives with his kind but distant parents, his sadistic brother Peter, and the person he loves more than anyone else, his sister Valentine. Peter and Valentine were candidates for the soldier-training program but didn't make the cut—young Ender is the Wiggin drafted to the orbiting Battle School for rigorous military training.

Ender's skills make him a leader in school and respected in the Battle Room, where children play at mock battles in zero gravity. Yet growing up in an artificial community of young soldiers Ender suffers greatly from isolation, rivalry from his peers, pressure from the adult teachers, and an unsettling fear of the alien invaders. His psychological battles include loneliness, fear that he is becoming like the cruel brother he remembers, and fanning the flames of devotion to his beloved sister.

Is Ender the general Earth needs? But Ender is not the only result of the genetic experiments. The war with the Buggers has been raging for a hundred years, and the quest for the perfect general has been underway for almost as long. Ender's two older siblings are every bit as unusual as he is, but in very different ways. Between the three of them lie the abilities to remake a world. If, that is, the world survives.
Summary & Cover taken from
Length: 324 pages (Mass Market Paperback)
Publication Date: July 15th 1994 by Tor Science Fiction (first published 1977)            
My Teaser:
Pg. 55
They filed clumsily into the battle room, like children in a swimming pool for the first time, clinging to the handholds along the side. Null gravity was frightening, disorienting; they soon found that things went better if the didn't use their feet at all.
What's your teaser this Tuesday?
Don't Forget to enter my 2nd Blogoversary International Giveaway by clicking the button below:

Calling ALL Bloggers & Authors the 2013 Christmas Card Exchange is open! Click the button below for details!


  1. I'm usually not into sci-fi but this one has always caught my attention. I'm not sure when I'll get to read it but I should if I want to see the movie.

    My TT

    1. I don't read a lot of sci-fi either but I've been meaning to read this one since I was in Grade 9 so I figure with me wanting to see the movie, I'd better read the book first. It's really good Vonnie! I hope you get to read it soon :)

  2. Ah, good book. I just reviewed this on my site not long ago (here). Turns out the author is completely crazy.

  3. I have had Ender's Game on my TBR for forever! I really need to read it!

  4. Hi Kimberly,

    You found some great teaser lines, however this just isn't a book I would probably enjoy, so I think I shall pass on this one, if it's all the same to you.

    Thanks for sharing and enjoy the rest of your week,


  5. Thanks for stopping by my TT! The enders game sounds like such a great book and I have heard that the movie was actually a really good adaptation, but I just don't know if I can read a heavy sci-fi book. I always think of sci-fi as something you watch. The teaser are very enticing though and I think I'm being swayed into possibly giving the book a chance! Great TT!

  6. I like this teaser and feel like it would be very true. I'd love to give it a try. Here's Mine

  7. Great teaser...and I don't usually read this kind of book, but now I'm tempted. Thanks for visiting my blog.

  8. Awesome teaser! I need to re-read this before seeing the movie. I remember really enjoying when I took it in school haha. Hope your enjoying it! Thanks for sharing & stopping by Bookmunchies (:

  9. I still haven't read this book, but it's on my TBR list. Thanks for sharing this teaser! And thanks for the follow. I followed back GFC.

  10. I just saw the movie last weekend. Loved it. Read the book many years ago.

  11. I've been meaning to read this ever since I heard about the movie but just haven't found the time. Hope you're enjoying it!

    Katie @ The Quiet Girl Talks

  12. Can't wait to see your review! I hope the book is as good as I hear the movie is! ~Deanna

  13. This is a fabulous pick! I recently got this one for my daughter and I to read together, and your teaser has me wanting to get to it even sooner! Thank you so much for sharing and for stopping by -- happy reading :)

  14. I was thinking about re-reading this before seeing the movie, but I decided against it.

  15. I am curious to hear how you like Ender's Game. I had mixed feelings myself about the book.

  16. Isn't it funny how neither of us reads much sci-fi and yet we both ended up reading in that genre this week? I've thought about reading this one, but haven't decided yet. Definitely want to see the movie, though. Thanks for visiting! ☺

  17. BTW, clicking the card exchange button at bottom of your post did not lead to details, only made the image bigger.

  18. Sound like a great read. And I really love the teaser.
    Thanks for stopping by my TT earlier.

    El @ So Bookalicious
    + new GFC follower

  19. I don't usually read sci-fi. In fact, I don't remember ever reading one. I always thought one should be extra intelligent in order to read a sci-fi book. What do you think?

    Thanks for stopping by my blog, Kimberly.

    Kero @ Kero's Book Blog

  20. I have been meaning to read this one for awhile, and I really need to before I see the movie. I hope you are enjoying it and thanks for sharing!


I love your comments! So feel free to comment away I'll try to answer every post so check back! . Also feel free to leave a link to your blog and I will absolutely follow you back :) Happy Reading!
*Note: This is an award free blog, thanks for thinking of me but I simply don't have the time to pass it along!