
Tuesday, May 13, 2014

Teaser Tuesday #46

 Teaser Tuesdays is a weekly bookish meme, hosted by MizB of Should Be Reading. Anyone can play along! Just do the following:
• Grab your current read
• Open to a random page
• Share two (2) “teaser” sentences from somewhere on that page
 BE CAREFUL NOT TO INCLUDE SPOILERS! (make sure that what you share doesn’t give too much away! You don’t want to ruin the book for others!)
• Share the title & author, too, so that other TT participants can add the book to their TBR Lists if they like your teasers!
Innocent Blood (The Order of the Sanguines, #2)
In this riveting follow-up to The Blood Gospel, the first book in their thrilling and atmospheric Order of the Sanguine series, New York Times bestselling authors James Rollins and Rebecca Cantrell deliver a riveting tale of international adventure, intrigue, suspense, and supernatural mystery involving a modern scientist, a highly secret eternal spiritual order, and a terrifying power who must join forces to bring down a ruthless and cunning enemy and prevent the Apocalypse

While exploring a tomb hidden for centuries in the depths of Masada, Israel, brilliant archaeologist Erin Granger began an incredible journey to recover a miraculous ancient artifact tied to Christ himself. The quest introduced her to a diabolical enemy determined to discover the book and use its powers for his own dark ends. It also led her to an ancient and highly secret Vatican order-known simply as the Saguines. Though she survived, the danger has only just begun . . .

An attack outside Stanford University thrusts Erin back into the fold of the Sanguines. As the threat of Armageddon looms, she must unite with an ancient evil to halt the plans of a man determined to see the world end, a man known only as Iscariot.

With The Blood Gospel, the first novel in the Order of the Sanguine series, James Rollins and Rebecca Cantrell breathtakingly combined science and religion and introduced a world where miracles hold new meaning and the fight for good over evil is far more complicated than we ever dreamed. In Innocent Blood, they again take us to the edge of destruction . . . and into the deepest reaches of imagination.
Summary & Cover taken from
Length: 437 pages (Hardcover)
Publication Date: December 10th 2013 by William Morrow
My Teaser:
Pg. 44
Lifting her finger from his stolen cross, she allowed herself a moment of cold satisfaction. As she moved her arm, her fingers dragged over a battered shoe atop another pile.
This tiny bit of leather marked her first kill in this new age.
She savoured the moment.

What's Your Teaser this Tuesday?



  1. Very intriguing teaser! She sounds bad-ass and I wanna know more!

  2. Ooh, this sounds like my kinda read! Savoring her first kill! Yes, I'm definitely intrigued! :)

    Thanks for stopping by my TT @ Addicted Readers! :)

  3. Hidden tombs and archaeology-sounds fascinating.

  4. The teaser sounds like a serial killer or a vampire.

  5. Oh, wow! Love that tease -- consider me intrigued! Thanks so much for sharing and for stopping by my Teaser. Happy Reading :)

  6. I think I may have to add this book to my "want to read" list. Thanks for stopping by my TT!

  7. Thanks for stopping by my TT.... I want to read this book now!!!

  8. Great teaser! This teaser got me really intruiged.
    Thanks for stopping by earlier!

    El @ So Bookalicious

  9. Wow! Now that's a teaser! :)

  10. How have I not heard of this series? I adore Rollins and didn't know he was co-authoring a series. That's a chilling, disturbing teaser and I love it! LOL
    Thanks for steering me to these.

  11. Hi Kimberly,

    This is a new author to me and a definite for my reading list. I have only recently discovered this genre of writing and must say that I am fast becoming addicted to it!

    I have recently discovered another great new author in the genre of spiritual, supernatural and all things satanic .... you might want to check out Layton Green ...

    ... and follow the Dominic Grey series.

    Thanks for sharing and for the introduction to James Rollins,



I love your comments! So feel free to comment away I'll try to answer every post so check back! . Also feel free to leave a link to your blog and I will absolutely follow you back :) Happy Reading!
*Note: This is an award free blog, thanks for thinking of me but I simply don't have the time to pass it along!