Review Request Critera:
Authors and Publishers please e-mail me with your review request.
You can do so by e-mailing me (Kimberly) at
When e-mailing me your request please include the following:
Available formats.
I do except e-books for review but I'd like to know the book's page count.
If you are going to send print copies be aware that I live in Canada.
Please keep in mind that I mainly read these genres:
Women's Fiction
Historical fiction
Urban Fantasy
Young Adult (and all it's sub genres)
Science Fiction
Romance (All sub genres)
and the occaisional memoir or biography.
Non-fiction (Dependant on Topic)
Craft books
I will not review these genres:
Religion & Spirituality
As I have a bit of a back list for reviews it may take up to 4 weeks for my review to be posted but I will post in on various book related websites such as Amazon, Barnes & Noble Goodreads etc.
I cannot promise a favourable review. I may or may not enjoy your title but when reviewing I will be fair, and polite.