Summary & Cover taken from Goodreads.com
Length: 336 pages (Paperback)
Source: Review Copy
Available Formats: Print/E-book
Genre: Historical Fiction
Series: N/A
Publication Date: November 14th 2015 by Whole Sky Books
The Munich Girl was rich with historical details. Chronicling three different women Anna, Peggy, and Eva Braun and told in different timelines as Anna is in 1995 and she's set to solve the family mystery that began 50 years before during the Second World War.
I'm a sucker for books that are told in alternating timelines, and from multiple points of view. It's one of my favourite ways to read a historical fiction novel and the way that the author was able to bring all of her characters, the setting, and the emotions to life was amazing. I found Munich Girl to be an emotional read, I was torn between loving and hating certain characters but I do applaud the author for being able to really evoke those feelings in me.
The Munich Girl was fast paced, well written and heartwrenching. I appreciated the amount of research that obviously must have gone into constucting the backdrop of the story. I felt as though I'd been transported back in time, it was almost as if I was in the story myself. I found the lives of the three women in the book to have come together so wonderfully. There were many different threads to follow in the story and everything came together very well. The side characters were also very well fleshed out. They were not used as mere props but had quirks, and there were some I loved and some I hated for various reasons.
Overall, I know I've been slightly vague in my review but fear not dear reader, this was intentional! With how interwoven the stories of the three women are I'd rather not give away any plot twists and believe me The Munich Girl has its fair share of twists. Is it a book that I would recommend? Absolutely. It was a unique story, and I think historical fiction enthusiasts should give it a try, and if you're new to the genre or are just curious about delving into this particular era in history I'd say this is a lovely place to begin and I can't wait to read more by the author.