Hiya Folks!
Recently I was approached by Danielle Sibarium to review her novel To My Hero: A Blog of Our Journey Together and in preparation for my review of it (which will happen later this week) I invited her to write about why she writes so sit back, relax and get into the mind of an author!
Hi Kimberly,
Thank you so much for having me here today. It is a great honor!
Writing has been a part of me from my earliest days. I remember as a young child watching the lineup of ABC Soap Operas through the day with my grandmother. Long after the shows would end, I’d still have this inner dialogue going on in my head. As I got older, I began to write it down. If I didn’t I’d probably lose my mind.
By the time sixth grade rolled around, I’d been in my third elementary school, moved three times, and had to deal with a few very close, very hard hitting deaths in my life. I learned to just blend in with the background. I didn’t say much and was painfully shy. It was this school year that I found I had some skill in writing.
My teacher had us write a creative writing once a month. After getting a terrible grade on the very first one, and having to redo it, I wrote each one thereafter with humor and passion, (who knew I could be funny?) earning me an A or A+. My class enjoyed my stories so much, they would often behave with the promise of hearing one as a reward. This was my way of trying to fit in without actually having to speak and put myself out there.
As an overly emotional young adult, I used writing as a distraction and a release. I could change the outcome of a situation. I could torture an unfaithful boyfriend or humiliate an arch enemy in front of thousands of onlookers, all without ever worrying about jail time.
Writing has always been and hopefully always will be my strongest form of communication. It is a passion that drives me to look at life from all points of view and create characters that experience a deep range of emotions. Real emotions that people feel every day.
I love writing because it’s who I am at my core. I write because if I didn’t my soul would shrivel up and die. Aside from standing back and holding one of my books in my hands, my favorite part of all this is connecting with the readers. I love to hear from people who have been affected by my work. It’s when others feel the need to reach out and share their experience with me, to tell me that my words made them laugh, or cry that I know I have touched their lives in some small way. There’s no greater feeling than that!
Thanks so much for stopping by Danielle, it was a pleasure to have you on the blog today! I hope to have you on the blog again soon.
Danielle's Books:

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That was really cool to read. I enjoyed that
ReplyDeleteThank you! And thank you once again Kimberly for having me! :-)