Amelia Jones finds her world turned upside down after meeting a wealthy client who needs evidence of her husband’s infidelity. Even though Amelia's offered a lot of money to go undercover in order to catch him, the situation is more than she can handle and unlike anything the young, virginal detective has ever experienced. Deep down Amelia knows that she should not accept the case, but the allure of money is too hard to resist. Distracted by a series of mysterious events and delicious eye candy, Amelia is lost with choices that threaten to reveal secrets that should remain hidden.
Summary & Photo provided by Bewitching Book Tours
Genre: Mystery,
ASIN: B00802VL80
Number of
pages: 172
Source: Review Copy
Count: 61,000
Publication Date: May 4th 2012
Sorry for posting my stop on the tour late folks, last night I was like a zombie and couldn't post it then. Now on to the review!
Alright Pandora Richardson, I have a request for you. PLEASE release the next book in this series soon! Pretty please? Pretty please with a cherry on top? I really can't wait to read more about Amelia. Congratulations, you succeeded in gaining a new fan!
When I first got the invitation to host a stop on this book's blog tour I was immediately drawn to it because of the cover. I mean look at it, isn't it great? I love how dark and sinister it looks and it's probably one of my favourite covers of the year and it certainly fits in with the book.
While the book starts off a wee bit slow it doesn't take long for the story of Amelia, the virgin werewolf private detective. This is a theme I've been noticing showing up more and more in novels and let me tell you it's a nice change from the others where the characters are a little less virginal shall we say.
I loved learning about Amelia's back story I thought it was interesting and it certainly helped round out the whole story worked out well. There was enough mystery and danger in the novel so that I didn't find this to be a fluffy werewolf read but one that was strong enough to truly stand on its own. Plus the writing was pretty darn good, even though there were a couple of times in the book where there were spots where the timeline went a little fuzzy and all of a sudden I jumped ahead in the book due to rapid scene changes.
I think that this book was a strong debut by the author as she has her own unique writing style. The writing itself is strong and helps support the characters who were also well thought out. I thought the whole book worked out wonderfully and as you can probably tell I can't wait for the next one to be written.
I would recommend this one to lovers of paranormal novels with a mystery twist.
This title is FREE on AMAZON July 27th - 29th!
My Top Ten Stephen King Books that I’ve read so far…
I wanted to write a top ten books article, but the reality is that if I had tried such a feat, King would dominate the list. Therefore, I decided that a top ten King list would be more appropriate and fitting to any proper discussion as it relates to really good books. Stephen King in my opinion is who every writer wants to or should want to aspire to and who every reader can’t wait to hear from again. With so many books in the world King in my opinion stands out for his storytelling ability and his flexibility. He can go from writing about a weird girl in hand me down clothes whose telekinetic powers came into being during her first period to an engaging tale about a prison called Shawshank and never miss a beat.
Kings diverse portfolio and gift of crafting worlds through words surpasses anything I can hope to aspire to as an author and long for as a reader and fan. That said, if I were on a deserted island and could only take 10 King books with me from among those I have read my list would have to include, in no particular order the following:
The Drawing of the Three – This is one of my favorite in the Dark Tower series. Being introduced to characters as memorable as Eddie and my all-time favorite, Detta Walker makes this book one of the best.
The Stand – This book, makes most post apocalyptic books look like amateur hour. Deep, rich, and engaging this tale especially the complete uncut edition is long, but the story is so good, you never notice.
11.22.63 – A new entry into the King lexicon, 11.22.63 is the only King book that left me in tears at the end. I won’t ruin it for you, but if you haven’t read it, you definitely should. It’s not what you think it is.
It – I remember watching the mini series as a child and freaking out due to Tim Curry’s magnificent portrayal of Pennywise clown. I still don’t like clowns to this day thanks to him. The film was just a glimpse of the novel. The actual book will freak you out in ways the live production could only guess at.
Under The Dome – Funny and a pretty good ride until the very end by most accounts, if you forget the ending, one of the best in the King Collection.
Pet Sematary – Where It was able to induce a life long fear of clowns, this novel makes my a life long avoider of gray cats. This book is creepy through and through.
Misery – I hope I never have any number fans. I’m going to be forever scarred as a writer wondering if there are Annie’s in the world reading my books.
Rose Madder – I remember in the office we used to discuss who we thought were King’s most disturbing characters. Hand’s down, I believe Norman takes the cake. Don’t believe me, read it for your self. Yeah I know Junior in Under the Dome is freaking off the rails, however I believe that since his lunacy wasn’t innate it doesn’t count.
Wizard and Glass – Easily one of the most disturbing of the Dark Tower Books and at the same time the reason why I added it to my list. To this day I can still hear the phrase charyou tree!
The Long Walk – Granted, this isn’t even a full novel, but where it lacks in length, it more than makes up in the hebbie jebbie arena. The plot is over the top even for King and the disturbing nature of the story along with the drawn out feeling of dread it invokes, makes it a compelling read.
Now there are plenty of books I could have added and I know some will think this list insane, but I had to choose something didn’t I? Besides, I did warn that I haven’t read every King novel…yet.
- Pandora
Pandora Richardson grew
up in Northern New Jersey with a pen and a pad stuck in her hand. Throughout her
childhood she was either writing the next great American Novel or painting the
next Mona Lisa. She always imagined that she would be famous as a writer, an
artist, or both. However, life eventually got in the way of her dreams and
Pandora found herself working as a consultant in Washington, DC where she now
resides with her canine familiar, Loki. The past several years have found
Pandora once again committed to writing, this time with her fingers glued to a
keyboard. When she’s not creating the next bestseller or engaged in the
thrilling misadventures of the Rat Race, Pandora loves to curl up on her sofa
reading the next Vampire, Shape-shifter, Wizard, Zombie or Romance novel from
one of her favorite authors.
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Really Liked it!
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Going to grab a copy after reading your review. I love Stephen King and would have to add Lawnmower Man to your list of favs.