My Top 10 Bookish Resolutions For 2014:
1. Read and review more books that I own and borrow from the library. I get so caught up in doing tours, and reviewing books I got requested to read that I never really get to the ones that I've had sitting on my shelves for years.
2. Read more books my brother recommends me. He's always reading the ones I give him but seldom do I return the favour.
3. To not go crazy on Netgalley and Edelweiss. I don't know about you but I have so many reads from both that I haven't been able to get to yet and I'm starting to feel really bad about it.
4. Do less blog tours. I don't mind doing spotlights, promos, blasts and blitzes but I really want to cut back on book tour reviews this year.
5. Accept less books for review. I simply don't have time to read everything I accept as a request.
6. Make an attempt to read The Lord of the Rings trilogy. I've had it on my personal reading list since I was eleven years old and I think there's no time like the present to read them.
7. Get caught up on the series that I love like the Anita Blake series and the Outlander series among others.
8. Try as many new to me authors as I can.
9. Read more sci-fi novels. Even if it isn't a lot I want to venture into the genre more.
10. Read more of those damn Kindle freebies that I keep picking up!
What are your Top 10 Resolutions?
Love your resolutions. Its always hard to keep in control of netgalley and edelweiss. Hope you are able to accomplish all of these this year!!
ReplyDeleteI am so with you on the NetGalley/Edelweiss thing! And I want to read more books of my own choosing, too. Good luck with your resolutions - I hope we both do well! My TTT list
ReplyDeleteYour final resolution made me laugh. I used to get tons of kindle freebies, now I rarely do. I just wasn't reading them.
ReplyDeleteYea for reading more SF! Shoot me an email/tweet, if you are looking for anything in particular.
Totally with you on the NetGalley/Edelweiss thing. I'm so overcommitted at this point! I hope you love the LOTR books -- I'd love to reread them sometime soon. Good luck with your resolutions!
Seeing NetGalley-related goals on my TTTs this week :-) I definitely need to read more of the books I already own and also need to preview more books before buying and use my library more.
ReplyDeleteHappy 2014 - I hope you meet all your goals!
Reading and reviewing books is on top of my goals this year, also I will try my hardest not to go crazy on Netgalley LOL
ReplyDeleteMy TTT