Top Ten Characters I Would Never Want To Trade Places With:
Gollum/Sméagol from The Lord of The Rings Trilogy. He's all kinds of crazy! I feel sorry for him but at the same time he got what he deserved.
Voldemort from Harry Potter. He's also all kinds of crazy and should be number one on my list but I'm too lazy to move it. Again, he's got a sad story but he also gets what he deserves and I really wouldn't want to be him.
Gretchen Lowell from the Archie Sheridan & Gretchen Lowell series by Chelsea Cain. This lady is out there and has serious issues.
Cathy, Cory, Chris and Carrie from V.C. Andrew's Flowers in the Attic. The things they went through were horrible.
Lochan and Maya from Tabitha Suzuma's Forbidden. Because of their mother they were forced into roles that weren't theirs to play thus leading to a very inappropriate romance.
Ned Stark from A Song of Ice and Fire. If you're familiar with the show/books you'll know why he just isn't a man I'd like to be.
Rob Stark again, fans of the franchise will know that Rob just doesn't have the staying power to make me want to be him.
Meredith from Such A Pretty Girl by Laura Wiess. This girl was failed by so many people, I just couldn't be in her shoes and make it out.
Eli from The Compound by S.A. Bodeen. His dad lied to him and his siblings and hid them in a bunker for YEARS, kept their mom pregnant and was going to use the babies for food. How's that for dysfunctional?
Rick Grimes from The Walking Dead by Robert Kirkman. I was a fan of the graphic novels before I was a fan of the show and yeah in the show he has to face a lot of harsh realities but the graphic novels can really make a person grateful that they aren't him.
I love your list. Ned and Rob Stark. Being those two would royally suck. Gollum, Voldemort all really good characters to stay away from haha. Thanks!
I definitely wouldn't want to be Voldemort either! Great list :-)
ReplyDeleteI love Ned and Rob Stark, in particular Rob, not happy with George RR Martin! Smeagol is my favourite would not want to be from that list for sure!He is crazy, obsessed with a ring, kills his best friend, lives off raw food, gets tortured, etc. etc. Not a great life!
ReplyDeleteHere is my TTT
Lol! at #1 and #2. But definitely true! I wouldn't want to be them either.
ReplyDeleteThanks for sharing! Here's my TTT post :)
I wouldn't want to trade places with any character in Song of Ice and Fire, but Ned and Rob really had some hard times.. it's just so cruel. Interesting that you included Voldemort, I've seen some people include Harry Potter on the list, but I agree with you on Voldemort too :)
ReplyDeleteNice list! I wouldn't trade places with any of the starks either
ReplyDeleteMy TTT
Great list! I wouldn't want to be any of the Starks! Voldemart and Gollum are interesting choices but definitely true. I just can't help but feel sorry for poor Gollum and his obsession of the Precious.
ReplyDeleteMy Top Ten
I wouldn't want to be Ned Stark either! Things don't work out too well for him.
ReplyDeleteInteresting list - very different than any others I've seen today. In a way, I feel like many of these characters made their own beds, sort to speak (like Voldemort and Ned - what were you thinking Ned?! Just keep your mouth shut! LOL!). Sméagol is a bit of a victim, though (because of the ring) so I feel for him and The Compound just sounds...OMG NO! :;shudders::